Friday, September 20, 2019

Matariki Matching

For this task we needed to remember well known te reo words around Matariki and match them to images. I found this task tricky because I didn't know that many words about Matariki but now I know these ones!
My next step is to learn more Maori Language

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The marshmallow stem challenge

My Reflection

This term we did The Marshmallow Challenge. 
We did this to work together as a team, communicate and problem solve as a class. It also helped us build healthy competition. 
We found it challenging to think of a plan- this was so new to us! 
We all had allocated jobs so nobody missed out in contributing
We did a lot of trial and error tests
It was so hard to keep it straight and stable! 
We thought it would be easy but it was actually really hard!
Attachments area

Mixed operations

My Reflection: 
This term we focused on Measurement. We have been doing some follow up tasks on Matific. Here is a screen recording of me working on one of my tasks. 
I found this easy because I remember my plus and times tables.
My next learning step is to learn harder maths .

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

IALT: Research and then sort (based on findings)

Reflection:I found it easy because I remember all the birds names and all of the columns they go in. My next step is to remember how to write the names completely and correctly. Next time I am going to be concentrating on every single step that the teacher tells me.

Anzac Poppy

Friday, May 31, 2019

kakapo vs. kiwi

WALT: compare the kiwi and the kakapo in a venn diagram.
We have been learning about these two birds for inquiry and writing this term.We have writing information reports on them. I found this activity easy because i  remembered when we were writing a information report on the kakapo and kiwi.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Welcome To My 2019 Blog

Welcome to my year 4 learning blog.This year i am in room 16 and my teacher is Miss Wyeth. I enjoy art, reading and writing at school. I look forward to hopefully making some origami in class this year. I hope you will enjoy my blog and leave lots of feedback