Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Greek gods

Use the scale on a ruler.

Reflection: I am learning to read the scale on a ruler accurately. I was able to find the correct answers and choose the correct words to fill in the blank spaces. I found this challenging because it was not easy to see where the arrows where pointing  and find the right spot. My next step is to try more better than i did.I hope you enjoy looking at my scale on the ruler and leave me some comments and feedback.      Thank you 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Lockdown poem

 Reflection:I am learning to wright an Acrostic poem.I was able to make up the sentence. I found this easy because when i was making up the sentence i made it rhyming. I hope you leave me some feedback and read what i wrote.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Telling Time

Reflection: I am learning to Tell Time. I was able to do am and pm easily and i know how a 12 hour clock and a 24 hour clock looks like.I found this challenging because i did not know all the answers.My next step is to remember that in 1 minute there are 60 seconds and in 1 hour there are 60 minutes.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bar Graphs

I am learning to put labels on the correct picture and answer all the questions.
Next time I want to remember the correct palaces to put the labels.
It was tricky because I did not know where to put scale.
I hope you enjoy looking at my bar graphs and leave me some comments and feedback.      Thank you

Parody Poem

We were learning to write a parody poem
 I am able to write a poem about some thing that I did when I was little.
I enjoyed to do this because you can do it on canva.
It was tricky because it was hard to login in to canva. 
I hope you enjoy my parody poem and leave me some comments and feedback.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

After the fire

IALT use inferences. I was able to look at the clues in the story and use my own knowledge to make inferences.I found this easy because I took my time at working and had to write slowly. My next step is to do more inference and writing on computers.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Welcome Post 2020

Welcome to my learning blog for year 5 in 2020. This year I am in room 20.
My teacher is Miss D´Souza. I enjoy doing art and I love being in the swim team and join choir.My goal this year is to improve my maths. I am looking forward to do lots of science and technology.I hope you enjoy my blog and leave me some feedback for me.