Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bar Graphs

I am learning to put labels on the correct picture and answer all the questions.
Next time I want to remember the correct palaces to put the labels.
It was tricky because I did not know where to put scale.
I hope you enjoy looking at my bar graphs and leave me some comments and feedback.      Thank you

Parody Poem

We were learning to write a parody poem
 I am able to write a poem about some thing that I did when I was little.
I enjoyed to do this because you can do it on canva.
It was tricky because it was hard to login in to canva. 
I hope you enjoy my parody poem and leave me some comments and feedback.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

After the fire

IALT use inferences. I was able to look at the clues in the story and use my own knowledge to make inferences.I found this easy because I took my time at working and had to write slowly. My next step is to do more inference and writing on computers.