Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Christmas Advent Calendar

Congratulations Room 7 on a wonderful year of learning in Year 2!

Thank you for being so amazing in Room 7 this year. I am going to miss you next year but you are ready for Year 3 and I know you will go on to do more great learning at EPS.
Keep using the EPS 3Rs in everything you do and you will go far.

Here is a Christmas advent calendar I have made for you to enjoy with your family at home:

Have a happy holiday with your family!

From Mrs Beach

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

I am learning to write a diamante poem

Have a go at writing another diamante poemon this website.....and email it to a friend or family member!

Click here to go to the diamante website

Monday, November 6, 2017

I am learning to retell the main ideas and summarise what I have read

I am using a mind map to help me retell the main ideas from the non fiction text and summarise.

In my reading group we used the website Popplet to create this mind map. 

Have a go at home making your own mind maps on Popplet to help you retell  the main ideas and summarise non fiction text. It's lots of fun!

Click here to go to Popplet website

Thursday, May 25, 2017

I am learning to skip count in 2s

I know I will have been successful when I can:
Put objects into groups of 2
Use the pattern of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc. to count in 2s

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I am learning to retell a story in my own words

I know I will have been successful when I:
Look at the pictures when I am reading the story
Think about what is happening in the story as I am reading it
Retell the story in the right order from the beginning to the end

Saturday, May 20, 2017

I am learning to show the 3Rs when participating in a celebration

This year is EPS’s Jubilee so we had a big 50th birthday party at school.
For our inquiry on Celebrations we had to participate in the 50th birthday party celebration and describe the event.

I am learning to show respect at a celebration by:
Using my manners
Listening to the person who is speaking
Having a caring attitude to others

I am learning to show resilience at a celebration by:
Playing new games and activities for the first time
Making good choices
Asking for help if needed

I am learning to be responsible at a celebration by:
Being prepared - wearing my party outfit and party hat
Following instructions and rules at the celebration
Helping clean up after the celebration

Here I am in my party clothes and my party hat that I made for myself.

I had lots of fun participating in all the different party games!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I am learning to use interesting words in my writing

For Mother’s Day we made some special Mother’s Day cards using Word Art.

I.A.L.T. use interesting words in my writing

I will know I have been successful when:
I use some interesting words to describe my Mum

I.A.L.T publish my writing on Word Art

I will know I have been successful when:
I can open the website Word Art
I can type in my interesting words
I can change the type, size and colour of the font
I can choose a shape to put my words into
I can name my work and save my Word Art file

I can email my Word Art file to the teacher for printing

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I am learning to use capital letters and full stops in my writing

I know I have been successful when:
I use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
I use a capital letter for the word 'I'
I use a full stop at the end of a sentence.
My punctuation helps my writing to make sense.

This is my writing sample I did all on my own. I had to write 2-3 sentences about our soccer lesson.

Arina - I went to the big field to play soccer with my friends. I liked the shark attack game. It was fun.

Monday, March 6, 2017

I am learning to read and talk about the results on a bar graph

For our Maths Strand this term we have been learning all about Statistics. We have used the Statistics activities on Mathletics to practice what we have been learning.

Arina - The red one has the least books and it has 3 books. The green one has the most books and it has 11 books…I mean 10 books.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I am learning to play all the different games and activities on Reading Eggs

I like playing on Reading Eggs and playing games. I can go fast with my memory when playing the games. I can read words fast in the games.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I am learning to be safe and confident in the water

This term we have been going to the school pool to learn some water skills. We have been learning to be confident and safe in the water.

I am learning to float on my front and back as a starfish.

I am learning to float on my front and kick across the pool with a board. 

I am learning to float on my front and kick across the pool without a board.