Saturday, May 20, 2017

I am learning to show the 3Rs when participating in a celebration

This year is EPS’s Jubilee so we had a big 50th birthday party at school.
For our inquiry on Celebrations we had to participate in the 50th birthday party celebration and describe the event.

I am learning to show respect at a celebration by:
Using my manners
Listening to the person who is speaking
Having a caring attitude to others

I am learning to show resilience at a celebration by:
Playing new games and activities for the first time
Making good choices
Asking for help if needed

I am learning to be responsible at a celebration by:
Being prepared - wearing my party outfit and party hat
Following instructions and rules at the celebration
Helping clean up after the celebration

Here I am in my party clothes and my party hat that I made for myself.

I had lots of fun participating in all the different party games!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was lovely to see you having such a good time at our 50th birthday party Arina. You were great at showing respect and helping others to play the party games. Try to challlenge yourself by sometimes sitting with other children at school events other than your peers.