Thursday, May 25, 2017

I am learning to skip count in 2s

I know I will have been successful when I can:
Put objects into groups of 2
Use the pattern of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc. to count in 2s

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I am learning to retell a story in my own words

I know I will have been successful when I:
Look at the pictures when I am reading the story
Think about what is happening in the story as I am reading it
Retell the story in the right order from the beginning to the end

Saturday, May 20, 2017

I am learning to show the 3Rs when participating in a celebration

This year is EPS’s Jubilee so we had a big 50th birthday party at school.
For our inquiry on Celebrations we had to participate in the 50th birthday party celebration and describe the event.

I am learning to show respect at a celebration by:
Using my manners
Listening to the person who is speaking
Having a caring attitude to others

I am learning to show resilience at a celebration by:
Playing new games and activities for the first time
Making good choices
Asking for help if needed

I am learning to be responsible at a celebration by:
Being prepared - wearing my party outfit and party hat
Following instructions and rules at the celebration
Helping clean up after the celebration

Here I am in my party clothes and my party hat that I made for myself.

I had lots of fun participating in all the different party games!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I am learning to use interesting words in my writing

For Mother’s Day we made some special Mother’s Day cards using Word Art.

I.A.L.T. use interesting words in my writing

I will know I have been successful when:
I use some interesting words to describe my Mum

I.A.L.T publish my writing on Word Art

I will know I have been successful when:
I can open the website Word Art
I can type in my interesting words
I can change the type, size and colour of the font
I can choose a shape to put my words into
I can name my work and save my Word Art file

I can email my Word Art file to the teacher for printing